Teaching Chainsaw Maintenance Workshop at 2022 PTBA Sustainable Trails Conference

Looking forward teaching our Chainsaw Maintenance Workshop with Robert Fina of Fina Trails in a few short weeks at the 2022 Professional Trail Builders Association Sustainable Trails Conference in the trail-haven of Bentonville, AR!

Reduced down time means more saw time - and once you've taken the saw apart and put it back together, the rest is easy.

For every chainsaw training and certification class we've taught, the maintenance portion brings a lot of confidence to chainsaw operators who may have always relied on the repair shop for routine preventative maintenance. Youtube can't compare to working together in a hands-on workshop environment where folks tear down saws, put them back together, see the differences between different saw models and all with various "Come look at this" moments.

Although the main conference is sold out, registration for some of the pre- and post-conference workshops is sill available.

PTBA workshops are some of the finest - always quality, hands-on instruction by folks with years of experience.

(Additional workshop offerings and registration)


Representation Outside of the Office Setting


Winter Project Work: Trail Work at the Desk